News and Stories
February 25, 2021
Bell Peppers
Green Bells
- The Mexican season in Sinaloa is at its peak; supplies will be available through mid-May
- Florida pepper production has been steady
- The California growing season is scheduled to start in early April
Red and Yellow Bells
- Mexico is the primary growing region; yields are high
- Quality is good; size is dominated by jumbo and extra-large peppers
- Florida produces fewer red and yellow bell peppers than California; the West Coast season will start in early May
Offshore volume remains fairly light out of the Central American regions of Guatemala and Honduras
- Crops continue their slow recovery from winter hurricanes; supplies should increase over the next few weeks
- Expect markets to start easing when volume rises in early March
Offshore and Mexican honeydew melons are available
- The market is steady with moderate demand; overall supplies are ample
- Expect steady pricing over the next several weeks
Idaho Potatoes
- Idaho Burbank and Norkotah storage supplies are adequate
Prices are expected to remain relatively steady, with slight fluctuations, until Norkotah stocks begin to wind down in late March
- Size is currently dominated by small potatoes (80- to 100-count stocks); large sizes (40- to 70-count supplies) are tighter
- Norkotah stocks are expected to be depleted by mid- to late May
- As Norkotah supplies begin to diminish in late March and Burbanks become the primary variety, supplies of larger sizes will tighten further and pricing will strengthen
The winter crop is winding down; new crop production is ramping up
- Limes will be entering a new crop cycle over the next 10 days
- Cycles are 90-day harvesting periods that begin with smaller, mature fruit and end with larger sizes
- The size manifest will start shifting to 230-count and smaller fruit over the next few weeks
- Expect active markets through March, which is normal for this time of year
- Round and Roma tomato prices are low due to ample supplies out of Florida and Mexico
- The grape and cherry tomato seasons are also in full swing for late winter; yields are high
- Florida cherry, grape, Roma, and round tomato stocks have reached normal volume levels for the tail end of the winter season
Mexico is the primary growing region
- Production is in full swing for the grape, Roma, and round varieties
- Sunny, warm weather has increased growth and improved quality
- Expect high volume on all varieties well into March
Texas Crop Damage
Texas Cabbage (In Season: October through May)
- The San Antonio-Winter Garden growing region has seen extensive damage due to prolonged hours below freezing
- The Lower Rio Grande Valley region fared better and will be harvested to fill the void in Texas
- Expect cabbage supplies to tighten and markets to rise
- Florida, Georgia, and the Arizona/California desert region will also help fill orders
Texas Cilantro & Parsley (In Season: October through April)
- Most mature plants will be mowed down (not uprooted) and will rejuvenate; younger plantings were unscathed
- Texas-grown cilantro supplies are expected to recover in one more week, but much of the parsley crop will not recover by the end of the season
- Mexican-grown product will be substituted as needed
- California supplies are also on the market
Texas Grapefruit (In Season: October through May)
- The season has come to an early end due to the freeze
Texas Onions (In Season: March through May)
- The season was originally scheduled to start next week, but will be delayed until the week of March 8
- The tops of the onions show signs of wear due to being exposed to ice and snow; however, the health of the bulbs looks good
- As weather warms, the concern will be the development of internal seeders
- Product is also on the market from Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Mexico (crossing into South Texas), Utah, and Washington
- Expect a slight uptick in pricing next week as markets react to the uncertainty in Texas
Texas Oranges (In Season: September through April)
- The season has come to an early end due to the freeze
Texas Watermelons (In Season: April through October)
- Some early plantings, that were to be harvested in early April, have been damaged, forcing growers to replant
- This will push the start date back several weeks to approximately May 1
- Northwest Mexico is typically a major player during this time, so Mexican supplies will ship until Texas harvesting can begin
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