News and Stories

UPDATE: Strawberries

February 18, 2016


Prices are much lower this week. Volume has doubled compared to two weeks ago due to favorable weather in all growing areas; overall demand is down. Florida has the highest volume (55%), followed by Mexico (30%), and then California (15%). Prices are expected to continue easing, barring adverse weather.


Southern California

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are not available; Markon Best Available (MBA) and packer label supplies are being substituted
  • Last night Oxnard and Santa Maria, California received approximately 0.32” and 0.35” of rain respectively
    • Harvesting crews are culling fields of rain-damaged fruit
    • Most growers packed orders ahead yesterday
    • Bruising, softness, water damage, and white shoulders will be concerns over the next few days
  • Quality is expected to recover quickly as favorable weather is in the forecast next week; counts average 14-22 berries per 1-pound clamshell
  • Next week’s prices are expected to continue to inch down
  • El Nino weather patterns are expected to return in March, which could limit supplies and push up markets leading up to Easter (Sunday, March 27)

Mexico (into South Texas)

  • MBA Strawberries are not available after this week; packer label 8/1-pound strawberries will be substituted starting Monday February 22
  • Prices are much lower this week and will continue to ease next week; volume is up and demand is down
  • Warm weather and lack of rain has increased yields, but reduced size; counts average 22-28 berries per 1-pound clamshell
  • High temperatures are expected to deteriorate quality through the end of the season (typically late February/early March)
  • Markon recommends moving orders to California the week of February 22 for best quality


  • Volume is up dramatically; supplies are ample
  • Prices are much lower this week (comparable to Mexico)
  • Size has increased; counts averaging 14-20 berries per 1-pound clamshell
  • Quality is fair to good: bruising, decay, odd shape, and light color are problems
  • The season is expected to peak in late February/early March and continue through Easter (Sunday, March 27)

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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