News and Stories

UPDATE: Strawberries

February 12, 2016


Prices are inching down. Warm, dry California weather has significantly increased volume; demand is weakening. The market is expected to ease into the mid-teens over the next two weeks. Markon recommends loading Mexican strawberries (into South Texas) through the week of February 15.


Southern California

  • Markon Best Available (MBA) Strawberries are available; packer label 8/1-pound strawberries are being substituted as needed
  • Demand has declined due to post-Valentine’s Day pull; availability is average
  • Because it hasn’t rained for the past two weeks and temperatures have risen into the 80s, volume is climbing
  • A limited supply of Santa Maria new crop strawberries are being harvested a few days per week
  • Expect lower prices next week, but remember that California new crop markets are $2.00-4.00 higher than those in Florida and Mexico
  • Quality is good: slight problems include white shoulders and wind scarring
  • El Nino weather patterns are still a concern; 0.50” of rain is forecast for Thursday, February 18

Mexico (into South Texas)

  • MBA Strawberries are available in 2/4-pound packs; packer label 8/1-pound strawberries are being substituted as needed
  • Prices have eased; demand is weakening
  • Supplies are adequate; weather is favorable next week, with no rain in the forecast
  • Quality is good, but is expected to get worse in two weeks when high temperatures return; counts are averaging 20 to 28 berries per 1-pound clamshell
  • The season will continue through February, pending weather
  • Markon recommends moving orders to California the week of February 22 for best quality


  • Although supplies have increased, cold weather and rain have kept yields low compared to last season
  • More rain is forecast for Tuesday, February 16
  • Demand is weakening; availability is adequate
  • Quality is fair: bruising, decay, odd shape, and light color are issues
  • Sizing is medium to medium-plus; counts are averaging 16 to 22 berries per 1-pound clamshell
  • The season will continue through March

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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