News and Stories

UPDATE: SUMMARY: Week of February 8, 2016

February 11, 2016


Due to wet weather in Chile, Markon First Crop (MFC) Grapes (in 21-pound portion packs) will be sporadic through March. The Northwest onion season will run through April; supplies will tighten as growers transition to Texas and California in April. Excessive heat and rain in the Northwest during the growing period affected storage quality, but no gap is expected. Iceberg lettuce supplies are limited; prices are escalating.


MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes

  • MFC Grapes (in 21-pound portion packs) will be sporadic through March; Chilean packer label will be substituted as needed
  • Quality is good: sugar content is high
  • Supplies are adequate
  • Prices will ease over the next several weeks, then stabilize in early March


  • Red onions will become limited by April during the transition from the Northwest to Texas and California
  • Due to a hot and rainy summer during the 2015 growing season, more quality issues are occurring than in years past, especially in the red varieties
  • Yellow onion stocks are expected to remain adequate during the transition
  • Red and white onion prices will rise to high levels during the transitional period in late March/early April; both markets will remain elevated through the summer months

Iceberg Lettuce

  • MFC Premium Iceberg Lettuce is not available; Markon Best Available is being substituted due to light carton weights
  • Prices are escalating; supplies are tight
  • Quality is good, but carton weights and yields are low
  • Expect elevated prices through next week

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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