News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of January 18, 2016

January 22, 2016


Ideal conditions on the West Coast and in Mexican growing regions as well as weak demand from the East Coast have caused most commodity markets to fall. Prices for Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Iceberg items have returned to normal levels. The market for RSS Green Onions has dropped to second-tier triggers. Chilean grape arrivals and unloading have been delayed due to congested ports and poor weather conditions on both coasts; supplies will remain sporadic through January 25 (when the newest shipments are unloaded).



  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Asparagus is available; quality is excellent
  • Supplies are increasing in Northern Mexico; ideal temperatures are promoting growth
  • Prices are dropping
  • Expect the market to ease; supplies will reach promotable levels over the next two to four weeks

Chilean Grape Supplies

  • MFC Grapes are not available in 21-pound portion packs; new crop Chilean packer label supplies are being substituted
  • Lunch Bunch prices are high, but will ease next week; although stocks are limited, they will normalize by mid-February
  • New crop Chilean green and red seedless stocks remain extremely limited; prices are rising
  • Supplies are not expected to reach levels adequate enough to cover demand until early February

Easing West Coast Prices

  • Commodity markets in the Arizona/California desert growing region are declining
  • A combination of ideal growing conditions and intense winter weather in the Midwest and East Coast are weakening demand and increasing supplies
  • No rain or freezing temperatures are forecast for the desert regions, resulting in full production
  • Prices will continue easing next week


  • The Idaho, Oregon, and Washington seasons will end earlier than normal this year; excessive heat and rain during the summer months decreased the quality of this year’s crop
  • Field volume was low, decreasing storage shelf-life and forcing growers to sell sooner than expected
  • The yellow season will wind down in mid-April; limited quantities of sweet onions are available from Mexico (into South Texas), but the conventional yellow onion season will not begin until late February
  • Mexican red and white onion stocks (into South Texas) will hit the market by mid- to late February

Lemons and Oranges

  • MFC and Markon Essentials Lemons and Oranges are available; packer label is being substituted as needed
  • The anticipation of rain in California’s San Joaquin Valley has allowed harvesting crews to pack ahead of schedule and increase storage inventory
  • Lemon prices are steady, but the market for large sizes is beginning to inch up
  • The organic market for 88-count and larger fruit is stable, although prices for 113-count and smaller sizes will firm up

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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