News and Stories

UPDATE: Onions

January 07, 2016


The Northwest onion season in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington is forecast to end earlier than normal. Excessive heat and rain during the summer growing period decreased the quality of this year’s crop. Field volume was low, decreasing storage shelf-life and forcing the growers to sell sooner than expected. Markon predicts that red and white onions will remain available through early to mid-March. The yellow season will wind down in mid-April.


Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Utah

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Onions will remain readily available through mid-April  
  • Current stocks are approximately 15% below last year’s Northwest volume
  • Hot, rainy summer weather during the growing period kept supplies tighter than normal
  • While a large proportion of the crop continues to be of good quality and adequate size, there are more problems than in years past
  • Expect steady to slightly higher price levels through the rest of the season
    • Red and white onion prices will rise at a much faster rate than the yellow market as volume is lower
    • Both export and domestic demand are average


  • Overall acreage is comparable to recent seasonal norms
    • Limited quantities of packer label yellow stocks will become available the week of January 18
    • Expect red and white onions to reach the marketplace by mid- to late February
    • Stocks will be on the market through March
  • While early season rain will cause sporadic problems, recent weather has been ideal for growth

South Texas

  • Early estimates indicate planted acreage is down approximately 20% compared to last year; this continues to be a year-over-year trend
  • Pending weather-related issues, MFC Yellow Onions will become available in early April; red and white supplies will hit the market in mid-April and be available through May


  • Southern California plantings have begun; acreage is comparable to previous years
  • A strong El Niño effect would increase precipitation and snowpack, creating favorable conditions in the San Joaquin Valley
  • The larger the water supply, the greater the ability growers have to generate a healthy crop

New Mexico

  • Markon will update overall acreage levels in the upcoming weeks 
  • The season kicks off the first week of June   

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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