News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of November 30, 2015

December 03, 2015


Colder-than-normal daytime weather, coupled with freezing early morning temperatures in the Salinas Valley, Santa Maria, and the Arizona/California desert growing region over the last several weeks are reducing broccoli and cauliflower supplies; prices are elevated. The same freezing temperatures have slowed plant maturity and reduced harvesting times for celery, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine crops. Expect volatile markets over the next several weeks.


Broccoli and Cauliflower

  • Broccoli and cauliflower supplies remain extremely limited on the West Coast
  • Despite limited West Coast supplies, Mexican stocks (into South Texas) are abundant 
  • Prices are elevated
  • Open-market cauliflower prices continue to rise above third-tier contract trigger levels; on December 2, Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) cauliflower florets prices increased to third-tier trigger pricing
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli Crowns and Markon Essentials Cauliflower are sporadic; packer label will be substituted due to limited supplies and quality issues
  • Supplies will remain tight and prices will be volatile over the next several weeks 

Cold Weather in Eastern Idaho

  • Extremely low temperatures were forecast for Eastern Idaho on Tuesday, December 1 and Wednesday, December 2, 2015; cold weather affected potato production and delayed loading times
  • Growers do not ship potatoes to packing sheds when temperatures are below 18 degrees because that can cause internal and external bruising as well as black skins and flesh (located on the outer edges of potatoes and just under their skins) 
  • Prices will increase over the next week if cold temperatures and short run times persist


  • Cantaloupe and honeydew melon prices are on the rise; supplies are beginning to tighten
  • Large sizes will dominate supplies from these early season fields, with very few 15- to 18-count cantaloupes and 8- and 9-count honeydews on the market; size substitutions may be necessary
  • Quality is excellent: sugar levels range from 10% to 13% Brix for all varieties

RSS Peeled Garlic

  • Domestic and Chinese peeled garlic supplies are limited
  • RSS Peeled Garlic prices will increase, effective January 4, 2016
  • The market will remain elevated for the foreseeable future; higher costs and water restrictions will limit growers from increasing production

West Coast Prices

  • The celery market remains elevated; supplies are tight as cold weather is slowing maturity
    • Large sizes are extremely limited, especially 24-count celery; 36-count and smaller sizes are more plentiful
    • Expect high prices for the month of December
  • Green leaf and romaine prices are easing slightly
    • Growers are harvesting in Coachella, Oxnard, Santa Maria, and Yuma, creating more industry supplies 
    • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine are sporadic; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted due to low carton weights
    • Expect volatile markets over the next several weeks 
  • Low yields and tight supplies are keeping iceberg prices high
    • Freeze-related issues will further reduce yields and weights
    • MFC Premium Iceberg is not available; MBA is being substituted due to low carton weights
    • Expect high prices over the next several weeks

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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