News and Stories

UPDATE: West Coast Prices

November 20, 2015


Prices for many commodity items will remain elevated into the early part of next week, but demand is expected to ease. With Thanksgiving pull completed, most markets will inch down by the end of next week.   



  • Stocks remain tight in Salinas and Santa Maria, California as well as Yuma, Arizona
  • Low temperatures are slowing growth; rain has impeded this week’s production
  • Some growers have transitioned to the Arizona/California desert regiobn, but supplies remain limited
  • Stocks should increase in two weeks
  • Crown prices are in the mid- to high 30s


  • The market is in the low 40s
  • Supplies will remain very tight through next week; all sizes are limited
  • Cold weather and rain over the past two weeks has slowed growth and production
  • Some growers are still harvesting in Salinas, but volume is low
  • Arizona/California desert stocks are tight as well
  • Supplies are expected to increase over the next several weeks


  • Prices are elevated; supplies are tight even though growers are harvesting in both Oxnard and Santa Maria
  • This past summer’s abnormally warm temperatures have created the current quality problems and lowered yields
  • Rain over the last several weeks has also impacted production and caused quality issues
  • Prices will remain elevated through November
  • The Florida season will start by mid-December, easing demand for West Coast supplies

Green Leaf/Romaine

  • Green leaf prices have risen into the high 20s
  • The romaine market is in low 30s
  • The Salinas season is ending; production is moving to the Arizona/California desert region
  • Quality is good in Yuma
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Green Leaf and Romaine are sporadic; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted due to light carton weights
  • Expect tight supplies and elevated markets into next week


  • Stocks are limited in Salinas and Huron; the season will end next week
  • Low yields and tight supplies are keeping prices high
  • Internal burn, large ribs, light weights, puffy heads, and seeder are problems affecting yields in Yuma
  • Prices are in the high 30s
  • Processor demand is strong due to low yields and carton weights 
  • MFC Premium Iceberg is not available; MBA is being substituted due to low carton weights

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