News and Stories


November 21, 2019

Bell Peppers

  • Red and yellow bell pepper supplies are limited; production is transitioning on both coasts
  • Green bells are sufficient
    • New crop Mexican stocks are not expected on the market until the week of December 12
    • Mexican yields have fallen due to rain, but overall volume remains sufficient between Mexico, California, and Florida

Seasonal Transitions

  • The first leg of the fall harvesting transition from California’s Salinas Valley to the Arizona/California desert region is complete
  • There are no major issues to report as of yet, but growers did have to pack ahead for the mid-week rain
  • Taylor Farm’s processing plant is reporting a solid start, but truck loading delays are expected later this week to allow crews to get caught up
  • Markon’s desert consolidation dock is open; no severe setbacks have been reported

Yuma Weather and Quality

  • Yuma and the surrounding desert growing regions have experienced several notable weather events over the past several weeks
  • The unusual weather has impacted yields and case weights; overall quality is very good in lettuce and leafy greens
  • Markon inspectors are monitoring supplies for any rain-related issues and will update further as needed

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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