News and Stories

UPDATE: Melons

November 11, 2015

The first shipments of offshore cantaloupes and honeydews from Guatemala are available in Florida. Supplies will be on the West Coast market by early December. Domestic production will end in the Arizona/California desert over the next two to three weeks. The Mexican season will continue for most of December. Expect higher prices during the winter season (mid-November through early April) due to fewer overall supplies.

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Cantaloupe and Honeydew availability is very sporadic; packer label supplies are available
  • MFC Melons will be available for another 7 to 10 days
  • MFC Melons aren’t available during the winter offshore season
  • They will become available again in April 2016 during the spring/summer domestic season
  • Prices are rising, especially for small-size fruit (15- and 18-count cantaloupes as well as 8- and 9-count honeydews)
  • Limited offshore stocks are arriving from Guatemala; the majority are jumbo size
  • Production will increase in Guatemala in mid-December
  • Mexican cantaloupes (into Nogales, Arizona) will be available through mid-December; Mexican honeydews will be on the market with intermittent gaps (as growers transition to southern areas)
  • Quality is very good and will improve as offshore supplies increase

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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