News and Stories

UPDATE: Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash

November 06, 2015

Production continues to progress towards winter growing regions in central Florida and Mexico. Unpredictable weather patterns have caused some markets to rise, but supplies will meet demand until production increases over the next four to six weeks.


East Coast

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Green Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash will be sporadic until November 16 when Florida is in full production; packer label supplies are available
  • Fall production in Georgia will finish in one to two weeks; cucumber and squash have started in Central Florida with bell peppers following next week
  • Domestic cucumber plantings are limited during winter months with most cucumbers imported from offshore sources between January and March
  • Typically Georgia growers would anticipate the first seasonal freeze to finish the season, but daytime highs (75-85 degrees) are extending harvesting
  • Even though regions in Florida received record rainfalls this past summer, growing conditions are ideal in central Florida
  • A smooth transition is expected; quality is good with ample supplies


West Coast

  • MFC Green and Red Bell Peppers are available in California’s Coachella Valley
  • MFC Green Bell Peppers from Mexico will be available in two to three weeks, followed by red and yellow in mid-December
  • MFC Cucumber and Squash supplies are sporadic, but will increase from Mexico in early December
  • Bell pepper supplies will continue to be tight and prices elevated until Mexico production starts (loading in Nogales, Arizona and South Texas)
  • Cucumber and squash supplies are available from Mexico; California squash will finish in three weeks
  • Some Mexico production was delayed by an active fall hurricane season, but supplies are reaching typical levels
  • Initial reports on the winter growing season are positive
  • Expect intermittent short supplies and high prices in December/January due to the heavy rains experienced during the September/October growing cycles


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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