News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of October 26. 2015

October 29, 2015


High bell pepper prices persist. The green bell pepper market will ease over the next two weeks; red and yellow bell pepper prices will remain elevated for several months. Prices for iceberg lettuce continue to rise as the Salinas Valley season concludes; tight supplies and elevated markets are expected through November.


Bell Peppers

  • California’s San Joaquin Valley and coastal red bell pepper crops are winding down; harvests are ending sooner than normal due to early season heat and rain
  • High bell pepper prices will persist, especially the market for reds and yellows; green bell pepper prices will start easing over the next two weeks as production increases in Coachella, California and Georgia
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Green Bell Peppers are available to load in California and Georgia
  • MFC Red Bell Peppers are available in California, but supplies will be sporadic until production increases
  • Red and yellow bell pepper markets will remain elevated for several months



  • Adequate supplies of new crop Arizona/California desert grapefruit are on the market
  • Florida and Texas grapefruit growers have started limited harvesting; small sizes dominate the crop
  • Quality is good
  • Fresh-cut grapefruit products will transition to the Texas Rio variety within the next two weeks


Green Onion Triggers

  • Prices continue to rise due to tight supplies and strong demand 
  • Small sizes dominate most fields; large sizes are limited
  • The market will remain high through Thanksgiving   



  • Industry supplies are very tight this week and will become even more limited by early next week
  • Prices for iceberg lettuce continue to rise as the Salinas Valley season concludes and production starts in Huron, California and Yuma, Arizona
  • Tight supplies and elevated prices are expected through November


 Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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