News and Stories

UPDATE: Bell Peppers

October 23, 2015


High bell pepper prices will persist, especially the market for red and yellow bell peppers. Green bell pepper prices will start easing over the next one to two weeks as production increases in Coachella, California and Georgia. The red and yellow bell pepper markets will remain elevated for several months.


Green Bell Peppers

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Green Bell Peppers are available to load in California and Georgia
  • Prices will slowly inch down over the next few weeks as production increases on both coasts
  • Early harvesting in Mexico has been delayed as a result of heavy rains in September, but production will increase in mid-November
  • Quality is excellent: color is dark green and walls are thick


Red Bell Peppers

  • MFC Red Bell Peppers are available in California, but supplies will be sporadic until production increases
  • California’s San Joaquin Valley and coastal crops are winding down; harvests are ending sooner than normal due to early season heat and rain; defects may include shriveling, occasional decay, and shortened shelf-life
  • A few growers have begun limited production in the Coachella Valley, but most won’t start until mid-November; expect smaller sizes and some peppers that haven’t reached full color because growers are harvesting earlier than normal to fill orders
  • Mexican supplies will help meet demand in mid-December, stocks will be tight until the main growing region of Culiacan, Mexico starts in early January


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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