News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of September 21, 2015

September 25, 2015


Abnormally warm weather in the Salinas Valley and Santa Maria, California growing regions has drastically decreased blackberry and raspberry production; supplies are limited and prices are elevated. Domestic blueberry harvests are ending, tightening supplies; expect prices to remain elevated for the next several weeks. The iceberg market is easing; supplies are increasing due to weaker demand. Expect prices to continue easing next week.


Blackberries and Raspberries

  • Supplies are extremely limited; prices are elevated
  • Quality will vary: bleeding, bruising, and soft texture are concerns
  • Limited quantities of Mexican blackberries and raspberries are available for loading in South Texas and Southern California; volume levels are not expected until mid-October



  • Supplies are limited; availability will be sporadic
  • Prices are rising
  • Expect elevated prices and sporadic availability through October; stocks are expected to increase by mid-October


Iceberg Market

  • Supplies are increasing due to weaker demand; the market is easing
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg is limited; Markon Best Available will be substituted as needed
  • Effective September 24, Ready-Set-Serve Iceberg salad blends decreased to first-level triggers
  • Prices will continue to ease next week


Idaho Potatoes

  • Large sizes (40- through 70-count stocks) dominate the crop; fewer small-size supplies (90- through 100-count potatoes) are being shipped
  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes are readily available for shipment in Eastern Idaho; MFC Burbank Potatoes will begin shipping in late October/early November (once they complete the sweat process)
  • Limited quantities of new crop, fresh-run Burbank stocks will be available this week; supplies will increase through October


Tropical Depression 16-E Affecting Mexico and Yuma Desert

  • Tropical Depression 16-E flooded fields and damaged protected agriculture structures in the northwestern region of mainland Mexico earlier this week
  • Damage to crops will result in compromised quality and elevated prices through Mexico’s fall and early winter seasons
  • It will take several weeks for supplies to increase; growers need to cull damaged product and plants must recover from bloom loss
  • Growers continue to evaluate fields; a full assessment of damage will be available over the next 10 days


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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