News and Stories

LIVE FROM THE FIELDS: Weather-Related Issues in the Salinas Valley

July 31, 2015


Please click here to view a Markon Live from the Fields video about weather-related quality and shelf-life issues affecting lettuce and other crops in California’s Salinas Valley.


  • Warm, humid conditions over the past few weeks have caused industrywide quality issues in Salinas Valley row crops
  • Markon Inspectors are finding long core/seeder in iceberg and leaf lettuce items
  • Harvesting crews are heavily trimming and coring product and leaving the most effected product behind, reducing yields for commodity packs and processors
  • Although insect pressure has been above-normal throughout the Salinas season, it typically increases as the season winds down (from July through September)
  • The unfavorable conditions are putting stress on plants; this may also reduce the shelf-life of many commodity and processed items


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


Blake Anderson

Quality Assurance


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