News and Stories

UPDATE: Salinas Valley Vegetables

July 17, 2015


Prices for many Salinas Valley commodity items are easing to low levels, however the broccoli market is rising. Several regional growing areas around the U.S. and Canada are now harvesting leaf items as well as celery and broccoli, easing West Coast demand. Salinas growers plant fewer acres during this time to compensate for the seasonal dip in demand.


Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

  • Prices continue to ease
  • Overall West Coast quality is good; fog burn, fringe burn, insect pressure, and mildew are occasional issues
    • Iceberg carton weights are in the mid- to high 40-pound range
    • Expect steady, but weak prices into next week 


Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Celery

  • The broccoli market is rising
  • Markon First Crop Broccoli Crowns are sporadic; Markon Best Available is being substituted
    • Hot, humid temperatures in the Salinas Valley and Santa Maria are causing quality issues that are reducing yields
    • Stocks are tight; yellow bead, large size, and hollow core are problems
    • FOB prices are expected to reach the mid-teens by next week
  • Cauliflower prices are steady to slightly higher; Santa Maria has abundant supplies, however Salinas stocks are merely adequate
  • The celery market is starting to inch up; large sizes (24- and 30-count supplies) are tightening; insect pressure is an issue reducing yields in some areas


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