News and Stories

UPDATE: Lemons

July 10, 2015


Markon First Crop (MFC) Lemons are available; quality is very good. Demand exceeds supply for 140-count and larger sizes from the Southern California growing region. These sizes will continue to decrease over the next few weeks. Rain shortages and a heavy seasonal bloom have resulted in smaller-than-normal fruit sizes. Ordering smaller sizes will help reduce demand for 140-count and larger packs in 40-pound cartons. Prices are stable, but elevated.


California Lemons

  • Markon First Crop Lemons are available; quality is very good
  • Demand for 140-count and larger sizes exceeds supply
  • Volume will continue to decline over the next few weeks
  • The current crop is dominated by 165-count and smaller fruit
    • Rain shortages are causing small sizes
    • This season’s heavy bloom led to more fruit, but no room on the trees for size growth
  • Prices are stable at high levels
  • Lead-time is recommended to help ensure orders are filled
  • Substituting smaller sizes in special packs will help reduce demand for large fruit


Mexican Lemons

  • Limited quantities of early crop Mexican lemons are on the market (into South Texas)
  • Supplies are expected to increase over the next few weeks; volume levels are forecast by early August
  • The initial harvest is dominated by 165-count and smaller fruit; size is expected to increase by late July
  • The market is high, but comparable to California prices


Chilean Lemons

  • Limited quantities of Chilean lemons are arriving on both coasts
  • Higher volume is expected by the week of July 27; the majority of fruit will be shipped to the East Coast
  • Quality is good
  • Prices are high, but comparable to California prices


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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