News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of July 6, 2015

July 09, 2015


Bell pepper prices are expected to remain elevated through July. Extreme heat has resulted in poor quality, limiting supplies. High California temperatures have pushed tomato maturation ahead of schedule, resulting in tighter stocks; volume will increase by September. Prices for most Salinas Valley commodity items are easing due to weaker demand; regional supplies are increasing, lowering demand for West Coast vegetables.


Bell Peppers

  • Supplies remain limited due to strong demand and lower yields
  • Prices are elevated
  • High temperatures on both coasts have resulted in compromised quality including dark spotting, discoloration, and softness
  • Expect prices to be elevated through July


California Raspberries

  • Salinas/Watsonville supplies are increasing weekly, but overall stocks remain limited; demand exceeds supply
  • Prices are steady to slightly lower in order to move the limited quantities on the market
  • Quality remains excellent; shelf-life is consistent
  • Expect limited supplies through July or until the crop reaches its peak volume in mid-August



  • The California new crop harvest is underway
  • Markon First Crop Lunch Bunch Grapes in 5- and 21-pound packs as well as 5-pound green seedless grapes will begin shipping Monday, July 13
  • Five-pound packs of red seedless grapes will be available by end of next week
  • Quality is very good: berry size is large to extra-large
  • Prices are beginning to ease as supplies increase



  • Adequate quantities of cherry, grape, mature green, and Roma tomatoes are available to load on the West Coast from California and Baja; East Coast stocks are extremely limited
  • Prices are rising
  • Quality is excellent on both coasts
  • Prices are expected to be higher than in past years due to drought conditions and elevated costs in California’s San Joaquin Valley as well as some regions of Baja, Mexico


Salinas Valley Vegetables

  • Regional supplies are increasing throughout the United States and Canada, weakening demand for West Coast vegetables
  • Overall West Coast quality remains good; fog burn, fringe burn, and mildew are occasional issues
  • Prices for most Salinas Valley commodity items are easing
    • Expect steady to slightly lower cauliflower, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine prices into next week
    • The broccoli and celery markets are expected to increase


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