News and Stories


December 21, 2017

California Citrus


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) and Markon Essentials (ESS) Lemons are available
  • Supplies are limited; volume is expected to increase in early February
  • Small sizes are extremely tight (all grades)
  • Prices are expected to continue rising until February


  • MFC and ESS Oranges are available
  • The 2017/2018 California Navel season is one of the smallest crops of the past eight years
  • Expect shortages of small sizes over the next three to five months
  • Prices are currently higher than normal and expected to continue climbing


  • The market continues to rise
  • Volume is lower than normal the Arizona/California desert growing region
  • Demand is strong
  • Expect limited stocks through the month

Green Onions

  • Cool temperatures and rainy conditions in the Mexico are affecting quality
  • The recent wet/cool climate will make onions more brittle and increase mechanical damage    
  • Supplies are limited; growers expect smaller sizes and lower yields for the next several weeks  
  • Prices will climb into next week


  • The market has eased slightly
  • Supplies will remain extremely limited in Florida and Mexico for the next two weeks
  • Vine ripe stocks remain scarce; winter production will ramp up in early January, easing prices
  • Roma and grape tomato prices will spike next week, but begin to inch down by the last week of December

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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