News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of June 15, 2015

June 18, 2015


The Salinas Valley asparagus season is winding down, while production in Central Mexico is slowly ramping up. The market is steady, but is expected to increase as growing regions transition. Bell pepper, cucumber, and squash harvesting is underway in summer growing areas; supplies are ample. Cantaloupe and honeydew prices are climbing on the West Coast; last week’s rain curtailed harvesting schedules, resulting in fewer melons on the market.



  • The overall market is steady
  • Supplies are tightening in California’s Salinas Valley
  • The Mexican season is slowly ramping up; import quality is good
  • Although domestic quality is very good, Markon First Crop (MFC) Asparagus from Salinas is sporadic due to limited supplies
  • Expect rising prices from Mexico as demand shifts from the West Coast over the next several weeks
  • Peruvian volume is forecast to increase by early July



  • Fewer overall cantaloupe and honeydew supplies are available due to last week’s rain in the Arizona/California desert growing region
  • Cantaloupe and honeydew prices are climbing on the West Coast
  • Prices will continue to inch up over the next two to three weeks as production moves into California’s San Joaquin Valley;
  • Watermelon stocks are ample, yet prices will be higher than normal due to fewer acres planted in the San Joaquin Valley
  • Quality is excellent


Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash

  • Bell pepper, cucumber, and squash harvesting is underway in summer growing regions; supplies are ample on both coasts
  • Bell pepper prices will be elevated until production increases in early July
  • MFC and Markon Essentials (ESS) Green and Red Bell Peppers are available in California, Georgia, and Mexico (into South Texas)
  • Fewer overall bell pepper acres have been planted in the San Joaquin Valley due to the California drought, but no shortages are expected
  • MFC and ESS Cucumbers are available in Georgia and Mexico (into South Texas)
  • Georgia crops will wind down by late June; Michigan production will start by July 1
  • MFC Yellow Squash and Zucchini are available in California and Georgia
  • Squash harvesting will wind down by late June; Michigan production will start by July 1


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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