News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Value-Added Salad Quality and Shelf-Life

April 21, 2017

Value-added raw product quality in Salinas, California has improved substantially compared to late-season desert supplies. However, most iceberg and leaf lettuce crops currently remain below optimal maturity levels due to processors harvesting fields sooner than projected.

Romaine Based Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Items

  • Darker leaves are more susceptible to mechanical damage which will reduce shelf-life
  • Recent rains may cause mildew and/or premature pinking to occur

Iceberg Based RSS Items

  • Shelf-life is holding; some light premature pinking is expected

Tender Leaf RSS Items

  • Arugula, spinach, and spring mix are exhibiting good quality and shelf-life
  • Recent rains may cause mildew

Favorable weather is forecast for the coming weeks, which will improve quality. The attached pictures of raw and finished product samples are from a recent cutting of RSS salad items.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

John Galvez

Quality Assurance


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