News and Stories

FROM THE FIELDS: Rain in California Growing Regions

April 05, 2017

Several key California growing regions are expecting rainfall between Thursday and Saturday, April 6 and 8, due to a passing low pressure system. The wet conditions are expected to affect quality and production for many produce items that are at extremely tight supply levels.


Huron, CA:

  • Rainfall is expected to begin on the evening of Thursday, April 6 and extend into Saturday morning, April 8
  • Approximately between .60” and 1.5” of rain is predicted, with most rainfall projected for Friday, April 7
  • Iceberg and leaf lettuce shippers are packing ahead in anticipation of the rain

Central Coast:

  • The Salinas Valley may receive between .25” and.50” on Thursday night through Friday evening, April 6 and 7
  • Santa Maria will receive rain throughout Friday into Saturday morning with approximately .50” expected 
  • Lettuce and leaf suppliers in these regions will be packing orders ahead as much as possible
  • Strawberries in Santa Maria will incur rain-damage that will reduce yields in the days that follow

Oxnard, CA:

  • Oxnard will receive approximately .25” between Friday night and Saturday mid-day
  • Cilantro, kale, parsley, and strawberry supplies from this region are expected to exhibit rain-related quality issues

Markon inspectors are monitoring weather and supplies closely in all of the above-mentioned growing regions, and will continue to update as the extent of this storm’s impact becomes more clear.

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


John Galvez

Quality Assurance



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