News and Stories
UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of November 28, 2016
December 01, 2016
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Asparagus availability is sporadic, but will increase after December 12
- Supplies from Baja, Mexico and Peru are tightening due to seasonal transitions
- Fewer supplies and increased holiday demand will elevate the market
- Expect higher prices starting next week that will continue into early January
Idaho Potatoes:
- Cold weather is forecast in Idaho which could affect potato production and delay loading times
- Temperature needs to be 18 degrees or warmer for five to seven hours of the day to haul potatoes from cellars to packing sheds
- The freezing weather can cause internal and external bruising, as well as black skins and flesh
- If low temperatures persist for more than a few days, packing hours will be reduced (for example, from eight to four hours)
Strawberries in Santa Maria, CA:
- MFC and Markon Best Available (MBA) Strawberries are currently not available; packer label 8/1-pound clamshells are temporarily being substituted due to recent rains
- Expect the following quality issues with West Coast strawberry supplies over the next few days:
- Bruising/bleeding
- Decay
- Shortened shelf-life
- Soft texture
- Water damage
- Cold temperatures will keep yields low and berry size smaller than average as a result of the upcoming cold snap
- A limited supply of MBA Strawberries (loading in South Texas) is expected to be available sometime in early December
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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