News and Stories

UPDATE: Warm Weather Expected in the Salinas Valley

June 15, 2016


Temperatures as high as 90 degrees are forecast for the warmest parts of the Salinas Valley from Sunday, June 19 through Tuesday, June 21. Weather will be slightly cooler in most coastal regions, ranging from the mid- to high 70s. Quality problems are expected to develop in most lettuce and tender leaf crops.  

  • Although high temperatures will promote growth, quality will suffer
  • Bottom rot, fringe burn, insect pressure, and internal burn are potential issues in green leaf, iceberg, and romaine items
  • Burn, increased respiration rates, insect damage, and reduced shelf-life could develop in tender leaf products
  • Strawberries size will decrease and heat-related quality problems such as bruising and softness could develop
  • Expect strong processor demand as quality problems will diminish yields
  • Markon will continue to report on prices, supply levels, and quality as more information becomes available

Markon inspectors are working with suppliers to select the best lots available for Markon orders. Maintaining the cold chain is critical to maximizing the quality and shelf-life of commodity and value-added produce items.


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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