News and Stories

UPDATE: Tropical Storm Erika

August 28, 2015


Tropical Storm Erika is currently located near Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Erika may dissipate, but will most likely bring heavy rain and gusty winds from the southern Florida Peninsula to the Carolinas by late Sunday. If Erika stays east of Florida, it could gain strength and return to land as a hurricane by the middle of next week.


  • North Carolina is a summer growing region for bell peppers, cucumbers, and squash; a hurricane strength storm could end crop production early
  • Most likely, rain and wind will be delivered to this region preventing growers from harvesting fields for a few days
  • The higher concern is new plantings in South Carolina and Florida, including tomatoes, that are scheduled to start production in late September
  • Damage to these plants could cause a gap in East Coast bell pepper, cucumber, squash, and tomato production, resulting in elevated prices during the fall season
  • Erika’s future track and intensity remains uncertain regarding potential U.S. impact
  • Markon will continue to monitor the storm’s development


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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