News and Stories

UPDATE: Tomatoes

September 17, 2015


Tomato prices are rising. Both domestic and Mexican growing regions will start to transition over the next month. California production will continue for another four to six weeks before moving to the East Coast for the winter season. Mexican harvests will continue in Baja, Mexico, while early Romas and other varieties will start arriving from mainland Mexico in late October.


Mature Greens

  • Production in California’s San Joaquin Valley will continue through late October
  • Volume recently increased as growers started harvesting their last fields, but it will decline through the end of the season
  • Limited quantities are available on the East Coast from Tennessee, Virginia, and other regional areas, but these seasons will end over the next month
  • Initial production in Georgia and Northern Florida will start by mid-October; harvesting in the main region of Ruskin/Palmetto will begin by November 1
  • Expect elevated prices for the coming months; limited East Coast supplies are forecast through November due to heavy rains during the planting phase


Romas and Vineripes

  • Prices for supplies from Baja, Mexico (loading in San Diego, California) are elevated; growers are transitioning to fall fields, but rain, overcast skies, and cooler temperatures are slowing growth
  • Adequate stocks from Central Mexico are crossing into South Texas; prices are lower
  • Romas from early northern crops in mainland Mexico will start arriving into Nogales, Arizona by late October
    • Vineripes will follow in November and December
    • Volume will increase by January 1 with harvests in the main growing region of Culiacan, Mexico
  • Limited quantities of domestic fruit are available from California’s San Joaquin Valley
  • Cherry and grape tomato production is sufficient in Mexico; domestic supplies are limited


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