News and Stories

UPDATE: Supply Outlook in the Arizona/California Desert Region

November 17, 2017

Markon’s grower-partners are making their final transition south to Arizona/California desert growing region this weekend. Supplies are ample; quality is very good.

  • Warm weather is forecast in the desert regions through mid-December, creating ideal growing conditions for green leaf, iceberg, romaine, and tender green products
  • Prices will remain in a supply-exceeds-demand situation through the next four weeks
  • If Mother Nature does not bring freezing temperatures and/or rain to the desert this winter, the market is forecast to remain low and may cause an early end to the season
  • Expect industry-wide supply shortages if the desert season ends earlier than normal, as central coast growers may not be ready to harvest yet

Markon will continue to monitor and update as markets and supplies react to the impending weather.  

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information. 

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