News and Stories

UPDATE: Supply Outlook

April 19, 2017

Broccoli, green leaf, and romaine supplies are increasing; prices are beginning to ease.


  • Broccoli stocks are increasing
  • Pricing is starting to ease in all regions
  • Contract triggers will fluctuate as markets adjust

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • Romaine supplies are becoming more plentiful
  • Green leaf supplies are not recovering as quickly as romaine, but are on the rise  
  • Contract triggers will fluctuate as markets adjust

Cauliflower, Celery, and Iceberg supplies remain limited.


  • Cauliflower volume remains low this week, but will increase next week
  • Pricing will ease
  • Contract triggers will fluctuate as markets adjust


  • Inventory will remain limited through the end of the month
  • The market will rise in the coming weeks


  • Stocks remain very limited; processors are purchasing additional acreage to cover demand
  • Suppliers will monitor sales to cover regular customers, holding to weekly averages
  • Contract triggers have been implemented and will continue to increase as markets rise

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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