News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of September 7, 2015

September 10, 2015


Excessive heat in several California growing regions is expected to cause quality issues such as seeder/long core in lettuce crops, increased dehydration, and other heat-related issues. The Valencia orange season is winding down; strong demand and tight supplies of 113-count and smaller fruit continues to push prices upward. New crop Texas and Florida oranges and California Navels will become available in early October.


Blackberries and Raspberries

  • Blackberry and raspberry supplies are limited due to recent high temperatures in the Salinas/Watsonville growing region; prices are elevated
  • Bleeding, bruising, and soft texture are quality concerns
  • Cooler weather is expected next week; availability should increase at that time
  • Mexican raspberries are expected to start crossing into the U.S. in late September/early October


Excessive Heat in California Growing Regions

  • The Salinas and Santa Maria growing regions are experiencing another wave of excessive heat in the 90s to low 100s
  • Apart from prolonging the seeder/long core concerns in lettuce crops, dehydration and other heat-related issues are expected to arise
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) lettuce items will be limited; Markon Best Available will be substituted as needed
  • Prices are rising; expect heat-related issues for the next several weeks



  • Garlic will remain limited for the coming months, especially domestic shipments
  • Yields are below normal in current fields, mainly due to water- and weather-related issues
  • Ready-Set-Serve Peeled Garlic orders will be kept to average volumes
  • Supply should meet regular demand, but growers have started to control inventories


Monsoon Storm in Yuma Valley

  • A severe thunderstorm hit the Yuma, Arizona growing region early afternoon on Tuesday, September 8 that recorded as much as 5.83 inches of rain in some areas
  • Yuma is the main winter growing region for broccoli, cauliflower, iceberg, leaf lettuces, and tender leaf items that will begin in November
  • The planting process for early November harvests has already begun; heavy flooding and muddy field conditions will potentially disrupt early harvests
  • The beginning of the Yuma season (November) is expected to be impacted by this weather event



  • Strong demand and tight supplies of 113-count and smaller fruit continue to push prices upward
  • Quality is fair to good
  • MFC and Markon Essentials Oranges are limited; packer label is being substituted as needed
  • The Valencia season is winding down; fruit will be on the market through late September


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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