News and Stories


September 28, 2017


  • Chilean shipments have been arriving more frequently than normal, but are expected to decrease as the Mexican season ramps up
  • Supplies from Mexico’s fall crop are increasing and expected to reach ample volume by mid-October

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

  • Prices are rising
  • Expect stocks to remain limited as grower’s transition from the Salinas Valley to the Yuma, Arizona growing region through November
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine are sporadic; Markon Best Available will be substituted as necessary
  • High temperatures experienced earlier this month followed by lower-than-normal temperatures have caused quality problems and reduced yields

Green Onions

  • The market has begun to decline
  • Supplies remain tight, however demand has eased
  • Warmer-than-normal temperatures in Mexico’s Mexicali Valley during late June affected young plants, causing a reduction in yields
  • Prices are expected to rebound by mid-October

Idaho Potatoes

New Crop Norkotahs

  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes are readily available in Idaho
  • Norkotahs that have gone through the sweat process will be available in early to mid-October
  • The Norkotah market will continue to inch down this week

New Crop Burbanks

  • New crop Burbank harvesting has begun
  • Fresh-run packer label supplies will be on the market while production takes place (October 2 through October 14)
  • MFC Burbank Potatoes will be available in early November


  • The California Valencia season has come to an early end; Texas and offshore regions are the primary sources for the next four to six weeks
  • Texas growers have begun harvesting Navels and Early oranges in a limited capacity; production is struggling due to rain this week
  • Markon’s Customer Service department has been in communication with members regarding potential substitution options to ensure orders are filled
  • Markon recommends substituting small apples or portion packed grapes for oranges during this time

RSS Broccoli Triggers

  • The market continues to rise
  • Supplies are limited due to heat earlier in the month in the Salinas Valley and inconsistent weather patterns in Mexico
  • Commodity and value-added packs are exhibiting occasional quality issues and decreased shelf-life
  • Prices are expected to remain elevated through the end of the Salinas season (late November/early December)

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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