News and Stories


September 14, 2017


  • Heat in the Salinas Valley and rain in Mexico continue to decrease yields; supplies are limited
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli Crowns are sporadic; Markon Best Available and packer label are being substituted as necessary
  • Commodity and value-added packs may exhibit decreased shelf-life over the next several weeks
  • Prices are escalating; trigger levels may be met by next week

Hurricane Irma’s Impact on Fall Crops

  • Southern Florida serves as a primary winter production region for commodities that include bell peppers, citrus, cucumbers, squash, strawberries, and tomatoes
  • Growers are estimating a four to six week minimum recovery time in the region; Significant supply gaps are forecast by early November
  • Short-term freight costs are expected to rise
  • Mainland Mexican growing regions will become a key supply source this winter as growers in Florida struggle to rebuild

Green Onions

  • The market remains active due to tight supplies
  • Warmer-than-normal temperatures in Mexico’s Mexicali Valley during late June dramatically reduced plant populations
  • Effective Monday, September 18, prices for Markon’s Ready-Set-Serve Green Onion pricing will trigger upward


  • MFC and Markon Essentials Valencia Oranges are sporadic; packer label supplies are being substituted as needed
  • The California Valencia season is coming to an early end; small-size offshore Navel oranges are tight as a result
  • The Texas Navel season is getting an early start; limited stocks will be available for loading in South Texas this week
  • The Texas market is lower than prices for offshore supplies, yet comparable to the California market

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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