News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of October 12, 2015

October 15, 2015


High temperatures in the Salinas Valley and Santa Maria, California growing regions have resulted in quality issues, tightening broccoli and cauliflower supplies; expect prices to increase for the next 7 to 10 days. The Salinas/Watsonville strawberry season is winding down, pushing demand toward Santa Maria; tight supplies and high markets are forecast for the next few weeks. New crop California Navel orange harvesting has started, however stocks are tight; expect supplies to increase next week when more growers begin production. Prices will remain elevated through October.


Broccoli and Cauliflower

  • Broccoli supplies are average to below normal resulting in strong West Coast prices; crown supplies are extremely tight
  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli Crowns are sporadic; Markon Best Available (MBA) will be substituted as necessary
  • The cauliflower market is escalating
    • High temperatures over the past three weeks have accelerated growth and pushed production schedules forward
    • Quality problems are reducing yields
  • Markon Essentials Cauliflower is sporadic; packer label cartons will be substituted as necessary
  • As regional seasons wind down, stronger demand will put pressure on California growers over the next two weeks; expect elevated prices the next 7 to 10 days



  • West Coast cilantro supplies are back to normal levels, however persistently warm temperatures in Oxnard, California and Baja, Mexico continue to weaken raw product quality
  • Ready-Set-Serve Washed & Trimmed Cilantro is sporadic; packer label will be substituted as needed
  • Expect improved quality by next week as warm weather subsides and the Mexican crop transitions to a new growing area


California Strawberries

  • Salinas/Watsonville supplies are diminishing as the season winds down; overall volume will remain low until the Mexican harvest gets underway in mid-November
  • Demand is strong; prices remain elevated
  • MFC Strawberries are not available; MBA and packer label are being substituted
  • Expect high prices and tighter supplies in the coming weeks


Idaho Potatoes

  • Reports from Idaho potato growers indicate that harvests will be finished by the end of this week due to ideal conditions; growers will begin filling storage sheds earlier than normal
  • MFC Norkotah Potatoes are available
  • Large-size potatoes (40- through 70-count supplies) dominate the crop; small-size stocks (90- through 100-count potatoes) are limited
  • No. 2 supplies will increase over the next several weeks (once potatoes are shipped out of storage)
  • MFC Burbank Potatoes will begin shipping in late October/early November once they complete the sweat process



  • New crop California Navel harvesting has started; stocks are tight, but are expected to increase next week as more growers begin production
  • Overall size will be large; 113-count and smaller fruit will be limited
  • MFC and ESS Oranges are sporadic this week
  • Prices will remain elevated through October


Rising West Coast Prices

  • Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine prices are rising
  • The Salinas season is winding down, reducing supplies; demand is shifting to the West Coast from the Midwest and East Coast as regional harvests conclude
  • Hot weather has caused quality issues that have reduced overall yields
  • Many growers are also ahead of harvesting schedules by 10 to 14 days due to high temperatures; a supply gap is expected between seasons


Fall 2015 Harvesting Transition

  • The fall harvesting transition from the Salinas Valley to Huron, California (the San Joaquin Valley) will begin next week
  • Some growers have elected to stay in Salinas longer and start earlier in Yuma to avoid the Huron growing region due to higher water costs
  • By November 9, Markon branded iceberg, romaine and green leaf will begin harvest in a light way in Yuma, Arizona; transfers to Salinas will be available
  • Green leaf and romaine growers will stay in Salinas until the industry makes the full transition to Yuma, Arizona in late November
  • By the week of November 23, 100% of Markon commodity and processed items will be harvested and loaded out of the Arizona/California desert growing regions


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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