News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of November 23, 2015

November 25, 2015


Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) processors have successfully transitioned harvesting and processing equipment from the Salinas Valley, California to Yuma, Arizona. Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine markets continue to rise; abnormally warm temperatures and heavy rains during the planting phase have reduced yields. Open-market cauliflower prices have reached third-tier contract trigger levels; cold weather and rain in the Salinas Valley have limited growth and slowed production in Salinas, causing very tight supplies.


RSS Cauliflower Floret Trigger Levels

  • Supplies will remain very tight through this week; all sizes are limited
  • Open-market cauliflower prices have reached third-tier contract trigger levels; effective Monday, November 23 RSS Cauliflower increased to third-tier trigger pricing
  • Cold weather and rain are limiting growth and slowing production in Salinas, tightening stocks
  • Desert supplies are also limited from heavy rains during planting that have pushed back harvests and caused low yields

RSS Green Leaf, Iceberg and Romaine Triggers

  • Stocks are extremely tight as growers transition from the Salinas Valley to the Arizona/California desert region
  • Desert volume is low; abnormally warm temperatures and heavy rains during the planting phase have reduced yields
  • The green leaf, iceberg, and romaine markets continue to rise; prices have reached first-tier trigger levels for green leaf and second-tier trigger levels for iceberg and romaine
  • Effective Monday, November 23, prices for RSS salad items increased to first-tier and second-tier triggers (depending on ingredients in the blend)
  • Despite tight supplies, quality remains good: mildew and wind burn are minor issues
  • Expect prices to remain elevated 


  • Demand continues to exceed supply, however prices have peaked and are holding steady
  • Supplies are expected to remain very limited; the market will remain elevated
  • Markon First Crop Strawberries are not available; Markon Best Available (in one-pound clamshells) and/or packer label supplies are being substituted due to quality problems and tight supplies
  • Expect supplies to increase and prices to ease in December (once the Oxnard, California winter crop is in full swing)

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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