News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of May 16, 2016

May 20, 2016



The bell pepper, cucumber, and squash harvesting transition to California is underway. Production in Florida and Mexico will wind down over the next week; expect prices to rise as demand shifts west. Cold May weather has limited broccoli and cauliflower supplies in the Salinas and Santa Maria, California growing regions; both markets are climbing. Green leaf and romaine supplies have increased and prices are easing; RSS green leaf and romaine salad items as well as Washed & Trimmed products decreased to normal levels.




Bell Pepper, Cucumbers, and Squash



  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Bell Peppers, Cucumbers and Squash are available
  • Bell pepper supplies are available in Central and Northern Florida, however heavy rain will delay production and reduce yields
  • Green bell prices will rise into next week, whereas the red bell pepper market will remain steady at low levels for two weeks
  • Cucumber and squash supplies are ample; the cucumber market is steady to slightly higher, while squash prices are steady
  • Expect rising prices over the next two weeks as demand shifts west





  • Supplies are tightening in the Santa Maria and Salinas, California growing regions
  • Prices are rising
  • MFC Broccoli Crowns are sporadic; Markon Best Available will be substituted as necessary due to branchy stems
  • Expect high prices for the next two weeks


Domestic Melons



  • Large sizes (9-count cantaloupe and 5-count honeydew melons) will dominate supplies while the domestic season ramps up
  • Prices are steady
  • MFC Cantaloupe and Honeydew Melons are available in California’s Imperial Valley
  • Quality is excellent
  • Expect stable prices as domestic supplies increase over the next two weeks





  • The Texas season ended early due to heavy rain showers; demand has shifted to California
  • Strong demand in California has pushed up prices for red, yellow, and white onions
  • MFC Onions will ship out of Southern California through the end of the month
  • The market will stabilize in mid-June once both the Central California and New Mexico seasons are in full swing


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