News and Stories


May 04, 2017


  • Supplies are extremely limited compared to previous years
    • Mexico’s volume is down approximately 18% from last year
    • California’s crop size is approximately 50% lower compared to last season
  • Although Peru is expected to send more imports this year, their season is delayed until late May/early June
  • Overall quality is excellent
  • Expect tight supplies and elevated markets until the Mexican fall crop begins in September


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Broccoli Crowns are available to load in South Texas and Salinas, California
  • Growers are experiencing planting gaps caused by last winter’s rain
  • Quality is above average; crowns are exhibiting minimal mechanical damage
  • The market is rising

California Oranges

  • MFC and Markon Essentials (ESS) Navel Oranges are available; packer label supplies are being substituted as needed
  • The season for MFC Navel Oranges will end next week due to quality concerns and shorter shelf-life
  • MFC Valencia Oranges will begin shipping the week of May 8
  • Prices will continue to rise through the summer months


  • ESS Cauliflower is available for loading in Salinas, California
  • Growers are experiencing planting gaps caused by last winter’s rain
  • Quality is very good: texture is firm and heads are compact
  • Prices are climbing


  • The market remains strong
  • Industry-wide quality issues continue to decrease yields
  • Expect limited stocks and elevated prices through the end of the month
  • Prices are expected to decline once production in the Salinas Valley increases in early June   

Domestic Melons

  • MFC Cantaloupe Melons will be available beginning May 8 from California’s Imperial Valley; MFC Honeydew Melons will follow on May 10
  • Large sizes (9-count cantaloupe and 5-count honeydew) will dominate supplies while the season ramps up
  • Quality is excellent
  • Expect stable prices as domestic supplies increase over the next three weeks


  • Chilean-grown MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes will be available through the week of May 13; MFC Lunch Bunch Grapes from Mexico will start shipping in early/mid-June
  • Prices are expected to ease by mid-May, when Mexican supplies ramp up
  • Mexican-grown green grapes will start shipping the week of May 8; red seedless supplies will become available one week later
  • Green and red seedless markets will decline by mid-May

Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine

  • Lettuce stocks are increasing
  • Prices continue to decline; contract triggers are being removed
  • Overall quality is very good
  • Expect prices to fluctuate through the month due to planting gaps caused by last winter’s rain


  • MFC Red and Yellow Onions are available this week in the Northwest; limited supplies are forecast for the week of May 8
  • MFC Red, Yellow, and White Onions are available in California; spring/fresh-run onions will have feathery skins and light-color exterior skin compared to Northwest storage onions
  • MFC Red, Yellow, and White Onions will be sporadic over the next few weeks in South Texas
  • MFC Red, Yellow, and White Onions from New Mexico are forecast to hit the market mid-May

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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