News and Stories
March 16, 2017
- The Arizona desert season is winding down sooner than anticipated due to warmer-than-normal conditions; demand is shifting to California and Mexico
- Growing regions in California (Oxnard, Santa Maria, and Salinas) were heavily impacted by rain and cold weather last month, reducing yields and affecting quality
- While warmer weather in California is expected to improve quality, heat in the desert region will reduce yields by causing yellowing/browning and increasing insect pressure
- Markon anticipates high prices; markets will reach first-tier trigger levels by early next week
Desert Growing Region Prices
- There are one to two weeks left in the desert season; unseasonably warm weather in the region continues to push harvests further ahead of schedule
Lettuce and leafy green supplies will be limited through early May, as the Salinas Valley will not be able to harvest enough volume to cover demand
- The cold, rainy weather the Salinas Valley experienced last month has taken its toll on crops
- The first new crop plantings are scheduled to be harvested in late March/early April
- Production will start in the Central Valley/San Joaquin Valley region in a light way next week; insect pressure and lower-than-normal weights will keep overall stocks limited at the beginning of the season
- Prices continue to climb; the market is expected to remain in a demand-exceeds-supply scenario for the next three to four weeks
Idaho Potatoes
- Markon First Crop (MFC) Idaho Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available
- The Norkotah crop is diminishing and will be depleted by the end of April; Burbanks will be shipped exclusively starting in May until new crop, field-run Norkotahs are available in mid- to late August
- Storage quality is good; pressure bruising and hollow heart are sporadic issues
- Several storage sheds are not accessible by truck due to excess ground moisture from snow runoff; supplies will tighten over the next few weeks until growers can access the sheds
- MFC and Markon Essentials (ESS) Lemons are sporadic; packer label is being substituted as needed
- Heavy February rain in California’s primary growing regions has increased growth and fruit size
- Supplies of 140-count and smaller sizes (all grades) are tightening
- Expect prices to continue climbing through summer, until offshore and Mexican stocks hit the U.S. market
- MFC and ESS Limes are available from Mexico (into McAllen, Texas)
- Large-size limes (110- to 150 count fruit) are extremely limited
- New crop quality is excellent, but as current stocks diminish, fruit will require more sorting for problems such as discoloration and scarring
- Expect high markets from late March through early May as both the labor force and crop yields fall short of industry demand
- MFC Red, White, and Yellow Onions in the Northwest are expected to remain on the market through the end of April
- Limited supplies of packer label sweet and conventional yellow onions from Mexico (into Texas) are available
- Texas-grown MFC Red, White, and Yellow Onions will enter the market in late March and remain available through May
- California MFC Red, White, and Yellow Onions will become available the first week of May
Limited supplies of MFC Strawberries are available in California; packer label is being substituted as needed
- New crop Oxnard and Santa Maria supplies are increasing
- Stocks are tight, but will become more plentiful week after week if weather remains ideal
- Most suppliers have finished crossing Mexican-grown strawberries into South Texas; the season is nearly finished
- Production is winding down in Florida; the season is expected to end in late March
- Prices are steady in California and slightly lower in Mexico and Florida
Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
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