News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of June 8, 2015

June 12, 2015


Strong demand and tight supplies are causing the iceberg market to rise; current quality is very good, but insect damage, mildew pressure, small head size, and sun scalding are becoming minor problems. Warm temperatures, followed by overcast/humid conditions in the Salinas Valley have increased quality concerns in most commodity and value-added items. Growers are monitoring and adjusting harvests and production lines to maximize shelf-life and minimize quality issues.



  • The market continues to rise
  • Demand is strong for both whole-head cartons and processed items; stocks are tightening
  • Markon First Crop Premium Iceberg Lettuce is sporadic due to inconsistent weights; Markon Best Available will be substituted as needed
  • Expect elevated prices through next week


Salinas Valley Heat

  • Most commodity lettuce volume will climb, but recent heat could cause bracketing, dehydration, fringe burn, higher respiration rates, increased insect pressure, seeders, and twisting in lettuces
  • Broccoli crops may exhibit hollow core
  • Expect soft texture in strawberries that could lead to bleeding, bruising, smaller size, and mechanical damage
  • Feathering will increase in asparagus tips
  • Markon expects heat-related defects to occur over the next 7 to 10 days


Tender Leaf Quality

  • Markon suppliers of Ready-Set-Serve Arugula, Spinach, and Spring Mix have initiated summertime Standard Operating Practices (SOPs)
  • Although these SOPs will reduce the number of cases produced per hour, the techniques are gentler on the product
  • Sporadic quality issues such as brittle texture, elevated mechanical damage, high respiration rates, and shortened shelf-life may increase
  • Growers continue to monitor incoming quality more stringently in order to select the best available supplies


Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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