News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of June 27, 2016

July 01, 2016

California’s domestic asparagus season is ending; harvesting will move to Central Mexico until mid-September. Expect prices to remain steady to slightly lower while Mexican harvests hit peak production during the month of July. Avocado supplies are extremely limited; prices will remain elevated through July. Pineapple stocks are tight as import levels are below normal for this time of year; expect the market to rise. California strawberry prices are steady at low levels; warm weather continues to increase overall supplies.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Asparagus will be available until the California season ends; packer label will be shipped until the new crop season starts in Baja, Mexico in September
  • The California asparagus season is ending; most orders will be shipped from Central Mexico through mid-September
  • Prices will be steady to slightly lower while Mexican harvests hit peak production during the month of July
  • Expect prices to rise sharply in early August when Mexican volume decreases and production is affected by the Pacific hurricane season (August through October)


  • Supplies are extremely limited
  • Prices are elevated; demand is extremely strong
  • The Mexican season ended earlier than anticipated, causing demand to shift to California
  • West Coast supplies are not ample enough to meet demand
  • Expect prices to remain much higher than normal for three to four more weeks (until Mexican stocks increase in late July)

California Strawberries

  • MFC Strawberries are available
  • Volume is high
  • Prices will remain steady at lower levels through next week

High Temperatures Return to the Salinas Valley

  • High temperatures over the last 10 to 14 days have caused quality and shelf-life issues in most lettuce and tender leaf items grown in the Salinas Valley
  • Fringe burn, high insect pressure, premature pinking, and reduced shelf-life have been the most prevalent problems
  • Temperatures are expected to ease into the high 60s/low 70s for the next 7 to 10 days before more heat returns to the Salinas Valley
  • High temperatures and increased moisture will prolong current quality problems for the rest of the month


  • Washington pear growers will continue to pack storage crop fruit through June; supplies will be depleted by mid-July
  • Prices for large sizes will remain steady, while the market for small sizes will climb
  • Remaining stocks are dominated by large fruit (80- and 90-count sizes); smaller pears (120- and 135-count sizes) are extremely limited as a result
  • The new crop California Bartlett season will begin the week of July 6; early season supplies will be limited, but volume will increase by the week of July 11


  • Supplies are limited
    • Import levels are below normal for this time of year
    • Demand is strong
  • Quality is good: sugar levels range from 14 to 15 Brix
  • Expect prices to climb over the next several weeks


White Russet Potatoes

  • White Russet potato supplies will diminish dramatically the week of July 15
  • New crop White Russet potatoes will need to sit through the sweat process in order to shed excess moisture after being harvested (approximately three weeks)
  • After the sweat process is complete, skins will have a smooth, net-like appearance
  • The new crop White Russet Potato harvest will begin in August, but stocks will not be available for shipment until October

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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