News and Stories

UPDATE SUMMARY: Week of December 21, 2015

December 23, 2015


West Coast commodity prices are easing following six to seven weeks of strong demand; low temperatures are expected to return next week, causing more harvesting delays and reduced production, but weak demand will keep most prices steady to slightly lower. Prices for Ready-Set-Serve (RSS) Broccoli Florets have dropped below first-tier trigger levels; the market for RSS Cauliflower Floret has dropped down to third-tier trigger levels. Green bean supplies, especially whole beans, are limited; expect elevated prices for the next several weeks.


Cold Weather Forecast for Eastern Idaho

  • Cold weather persists in Eastern Idaho; extremely low temperatures are forecast for the next several weeks
  • If low temperatures persist, packing hours may be reduced; loading delays are likely due to short production windows
  • Growers do not ship potatoes to packing sheds when temperatures are below 18 degrees because that can cause internal and external bruising, as well as black skins and flesh (located on the outer edges of potatoes and just under their skins) 
  • Prices will begin to increase as low temperatures and short run times persist

RSS Broccoli Floret Trigger Levels

  • Overall supplies are tight, but weak demand is pushing down the market
  • Open-market prices have fallen below first-tier trigger levels; effective December 22, the market for RSS Broccoli Florets has returned to normal levels
  • Quality is improving, but decay, knuckly crowns, and mildew are sporadic issues reducing yields in some areas
  • Expect steady to lower prices through next week

RSS Cauliflower Floret Trigger Levels

  • Supplies are increasing; open-market prices have eased slightly
  • Effective December 22, the market for RSS Cauliflower Florets will decrease to negotiated third-tier trigger levels; prices remain elevated
  • Expect industry supplies to drastically increase in early to mid-January

RSS Green Beans

  • Green bean supplies are limited, especially whole beans
  • Prices are elevated
  • Excessive rain is causing decay, russeting, and water spots, further reducing yields
  • Florida growers are culling damaged acreage; tight stocks will persist for approximately six weeks
  • Strong holiday demand and limited supplies will keep prices elevated for several weeks


  • Stocks will remain tight next week; prices will climb
  • Production will increase in Florida and Mexico in approximately two to three weeks; poor weather in both regions has pushed back start dates for winter crops
  • Expect an elevated market until volume increases

West Coast Prices

  • Commodity prices are easing; supplies are increasing
  • Weak demand is causing many markets to ease
  • Freezing temperatures are expected to return next week, reducing harvest times and increasing frost-related issues
  • Despite cold weather, lower markets are expected due to weak demand

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