News and Stories


August 24, 2017


  • FOB prices reached record-high levels this week, but they are finally beginning to ease
  • Mexican volume (into the U.S.) is up; however, supplies from California and Peru continue to downtrend, keeping stocks tight
  • Mexican supplies are dominated by 60-count and smaller sizes; these prices will fall first
  • Expect elevated markets and limited supplies through mid-September, when Mexico’s fall crop gets underway


Green & Red Seedless

  • Markon Essentials (ESS) Red Seedless Grapes are available from California
  • Green and red seedless supplies are ample
  • Both markets should remain steady until mid-October 

Lunch Bunch

  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Red Lunch Bunch Grapes are available from California
  • Limited time packer label green Lunch Bunch supplies will be on the market until late November
  • Prices are expected to remain steady until mid-October

Labor Day Schedule 2017

  • Markon’s buying office will be closed for Labor Day (Monday, September 4); many processors will adjust loading and production schedules due to the holiday
  • Markon’s Gonzales consolidation dock will be open on a limited basis; orders loading on Labor Day (Monday, September 4) will be harvested the previous Friday, September 1 or Saturday, September 2
  • Taylor Farms’ loading docks will be open on a limited basis

o    Trucks are urged to call by 8:00 a.m. PDT to schedule appointments

o    Loading is available on Sunday, September 3, on a first come, first served basis

  • 4Earth consolidation dock will load trucks on Labor Day (Monday, September 4)

o    The Los Angeles Produce Market will be closed

o    4Earth will not be able to purchase off the market

  • Most Northwest shippers’ sales offices and loading docks will be closed Labor Day (Monday, September 4); a few will load by appointment only, but product will not be packed


  • MFC Limes are available from Mexico (loading in McAllen, Texas)
  • Remnants of Tropical Strom Harvey will move into the southwest Gulf of Mexico over the next three days
  • Heavy rain is expected in Veracruz, Mexico, further compounding the impact of Hurricane Franklin
  • Expect fewer supplies and higher prices over the next two weeks as growers continue to face challenging conditions


  • Limited supplies of California MFC Yellow Onions remain available; red and white onions have been depleted
  • MFC Yellow Onions are still being shipped out of New Mexico; red onions are limited, while white onions are finished for the season
  • New crop MFC Onions in Idaho, Utah and Washington are ramping up; yellow, red and white onions are available
    • Size profile is small to start the season; heavy to medium and jumbo sizes


  • Quality issues are a concern, as the Valencia season begins to wind down
  • Supplies are limited
    • Current stocks favor fancy grade as well as 88-count and larger sizing
    • Choice grade and 113-count and smaller sizes are extremely limited
  • 72-hour order lead-time is recommended due to tight supplies and reduced packing hours
  • The market continues to rise

Tropical Storm Harvey

  • Tropical Storm Harvey is currently located in the western Gulf of Mexico and is expected to make landfall on the Texas coast by early Saturday morning
  • Harvey is forecast to intensify before making landfall, likely reaching hurricane status by Friday
  • The storm is expected to stall over the Texas coast, leading to multiple days of rain in the region
  • Potential power outages, road closures, and delays may affect trucks loading in South Texas

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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