News and Stories


April 13, 2017


  • Storage supplies of Markon First Crop (MFC) Fuji, Gala, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious Apples from Washington remain available
  • Size profile is large, dominated by 80- through 100-count sizes; small sizes (113- to 138-count fruit) are tighter
  • Storage crop quality is good
  • FOB prices for large sizes will be low due to their abundance; small sizes will be more expensive

Bell Peppers, Cucumbers, and Squash

  • Growers are transitioning north over the next several weeks
  • Quality in the new crop regions is ideal
  • Prices will inch up as current seasons finish and new production begins


  • MFC Celery is available in Oxnard and Salinas, California
  • Supplies remain limited due to erratic weather conditions over the past several months
  • Quality issues in California include elevated levels of seeder and pith
  • Prices are rising; value-added triggers will be met by next week

Demand Far Exceeds Supply

  • Broccoli, cauliflower, celery, green leaf, iceberg, and romaine prices continue to escalate
  • Warm weather in the desert growing region caused fields to mature ahead of schedule; harvests will finish approximately two weeks earlier than planned
  • Cool, rainy conditions in the Salinas Valley delayed maturity; harvests are approximately two weeks behind schedule
  • The above conditions will result in at least a four-week time period of very limited stocks with most suppliers struggling to cover their contract commitments

Idaho Potatoes

  • MFC Idaho Burbank and Norkotah Potatoes are available
  • Norkotah stocks are diminishing and will be depleted by late April/early May
  • Quality is good; pressure bruising and hollow heart are sporadic issues
  • Norkotah pricing is now comparable to the Burbank variety; both markets are inching up


  • MFC Red and Yellow Onions will be available in Idaho and Oregon through late April; MFC Red and Yellow Onions from Washington will be on the market through the first week of May
  • Remaining red onion supplies are sufficient; yellow stocks are starting to tighten
  • Expect lower quality in storage shipments as the season winds down
  • Prices are rising as the Northwest storage season comes to a close

Spring 2017 Harvesting Transition

  • The spring harvesting transitions of broccoli, cauliflower, celery, iceberg, and leafy items are underway
  • Supplies are very limited in all regions; weather patterns are preventing a smooth transition to new regions
  • Quality is good, but low yields and high markets are current challenges
  • Prices will remain high over the next two to three weeks

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.

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