News and Stories

UPDATE: Strawberries

March 29, 2016


Markon First Crop (MFC) Strawberries are available; supplies are plentiful. The seasons in Florida and Mexico have ended. Prices are inching up, but overall availability in California is adequate. Quality is very good with very few problems being reported. The weather has been favorable with no rain in the forecast; chances of El Nino storms for the next two weeks are minimal. Markets are expected to continue inching up through Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 8. Markon’s Mother’s Day promotional lid pricing will begin Monday, April 18; please stay tuned for more information.


Oxnard, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available in 2/4- and 8/1-pound pack sizes
  • Supplies are plentiful; many growers will reach peak volume over the next two weeks
  • Quality is very good
    • Texture is firm
    • Size is medium to large
    • Strong winds this past week have led to occasional wind damage and scarring
  • The market is slightly higher this week; prices are inching up
  • The season will continue through April

Santa Maria, California

  • MFC Strawberries are available in 2/4- and 8/1-pound pack sizes
  • New crop supplies are increasing week over week; overall volume is adequate
  • Quality is very good
    • Texture is firm
    • Size is medium-plus to large (slightly larger than Oxnard fruit)
    • Some lots are showing cosmetic issues such as creasing, green tips, and white shoulders
  • The market is slightly higher this week; prices are inching up
  • The 2016 season is just getting underway; supplies will ramp up through May

Salinas/Watsonville, California

  • Many growers are harvesting their “mud crop,” which is the first pick of the season
  • Supplies are tight; the season is just getting underway
  • Most fruit is being kept in local markets this week
  • Limited packer label stocks will be available for loading Monday, April 4
  • Prices are expected to be slightly higher than in Oxnard and Santa Maria

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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