News and Stories

UPDATE: Salinas Valley Prices

September 25, 2015


Many Salinas Valley commodity markets are beginning to ease. Broccoli and cauliflower supplies are increasing. Green leaf, iceberg, and romaine prices have inched down due to weaker demand and are expected to continue easing into next week.


  • Broccoli supplies are increasing in Salinas and Santa Maria, California as well as Mexico (into South Texas)
  • Hot weather in the Salinas Valley growing region has diminished broccoli supplies, but quality is improving and yields are slowly increasing
  • Mexican broccoli production is ramping up; supplies will increase through the winter months
  • High iceberg prices are slowing carton demand; the market will ease into the low twenties by next week
  • The green leaf and romaine markets are inching down as well, despite continued quality issues such as mildew, seeder, and sunscald
  • Markon First Crop Premium Green Leaf, Iceberg, and Romaine are sporadic; Markon Best Available will be substituted as necessary
  • Even though prices are coming down, expect overall markets to remain strong through November while Salinas season concludes and the industry transitions to the Yuma, Arizona desert region over the next seven to nine weeks
  • Markets will rebound by early to mid-October; some growers will stop harvesting in Salinas and begin in the Huron, California growing region before heading to Yuma for the winter season 


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