News and Stories

UPDATE: Salinas Valley Lettuce and Tender Leaf

May 12, 2016


Prices for iceberg lettuce are expected to ease, while the green leaf and romaine markets will remain at high levels into next week. Tender leaf items are limited due to erratic weather that caused quality issues and reduced stocks over the last several months.



  • Supplies will continue to increase over the next week
  • Demand is expected to decline as the month of June approaches, causing prices to ease
  • Yields are increasing, which will weaken processor demand
  • Expect the market to inch down to the low to mid-teens by next week

Green Leaf/Romaine 

  • Prices remain elevated
  • Quality problems such as fringe burn, insect damage, mildew, and wind scarring are reducing volume
  • Low yields will keep processor demand strong; they must harvest more product in order to fill bin weight requirements
  • Cooler weather over the last several weeks has stunted growth and kept yields low 
  • Regional harvesting has started in a limited capacity on the East Coast, but demand remains strong for West Coast product
  • Supplies will remain limited for the next 7 to 14 days

Tender Leaf Items

  • The effects of this spring’s erratic weather continue to negatively affect quality and supply levels
  • Mildew, insect damage, small size, and tip burn are issues in arugula, spinach, and spring mix supplies
  • Quality defects are causing some premature breakdown and yellowing before BIUB dates
  • Supplies are forecast to remain tight for the next several weeks
  • Markon recommends ordering for quick turns

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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