News and Stories

UPDATE: Pineapple

June 22, 2015


A seasonal production gap throughout all harvesting regions will tighten pineapple supplies through August. This is a normal occurrence for this time of year and is expected to last approximately six to eight weeks. Prices are stable, but will rise as supplies tighten. Markon recommends early order placement to avoid loading issues. Ready-Set-Serve Pineapple items will not be affected by the shortages.


Costa Rica

  • Costa Rica weather patterns during May and June cause pineapples to flower naturally
    • This process causes a peak in production
    • Volume normally declines in July and August
  • Expect decreased supplies through August with volume returning to normal levels by early September
  • Quality is good and flavor is sweet
  • The market is stable, but will rise rapidly over the next several weeks


  • Consistent rain for the past several weeks has delayed harvesting
    • A seasonal production gap will further tighten supplies over the next few months
    • Supplies of five- and six-count pineapples are sufficient; seven- and eight-count sizes are limited
  • Quality is average
    • Water damage is a concern
    • Light brown spotting from the rain is occurring 5 to 10 days after harvests
  • Prices are low, but expected to double by mid-July

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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