News and Stories

UPDATE: Oranges

June 28, 2017

Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Valencia Oranges are sporadic; packer label supplies are being substituted as needed. Last week’s heat wave in California drastically reduced harvesting schedules and severely limited overall availability. The market is elevated and continues to rise. Supplies remain extremely tight.

  • This summer’s Valencia volume is 25-35% lower than last year’s levels (one of the smallest on record)
  • A limited number of suppliers are harvesting and packing California Valencia oranges this summer; many have finished their crop for the season and will be out of oranges until California Navel production starts in October
  • Remaining supplies consist of 90% fancy grade fruit and only 10% choice
  • Small size dominates the crop; 88-count and smaller oranges are most plentiful
  • Offshore oranges from Australia, Chile, Morocco, South Africa, and Uruguay will be necessary to meet summer and fall demand
    • Some Chilean Navels are now available for loading on the West Coast; limited supplies of Moroccan Valencias are on the East Coast market
    • Imports are mainly 88-count and larger in size, fancy grade, and have PLU stickers
    • Prices are slightly higher than current domestic Valencia levels

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.                                                                    

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