News and Stories

UPDATE: Oranges

April 01, 2016


Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Oranges are available; packer label is being substituted as needed. The Texas orange and grapefruit seasons will begin winding down over the next four weeks. The Florida grapefruit season has ended, but oranges will remain on the market through June. As production for juicing oranges wraps up, prices will rise.


California Oranges

  • California Navel orange supplies are ample and will be on the market through June
    • Quality is very good
    • Flavor is sweet: sugar levels range from 11.5 to 13 Brix
    • Stocks are dominated by 72-count and larger sizes
    • Supplies of 88-count and smaller oranges are adequate, but will tighten as overall size is increasing
    • Most prices are stable, yet the market for smaller fruit is slightly higher
  • New crop Valencia stocks will be on the market in late May/early June
    • Industry crop estimates for this season are up 10% over last year, but remain historically lower due to decreased acreage
    • Early size estimates predict that the crop will range from 88- to 138-count sizes
    • Export harvesting will start the season, followed by fruit for domestic consumption

Florida Valencia Oranges

  • Florida supplies will be on the market through June
    • Fresh-run fruit will be packed through May
    • Supplies will move into storage in late May/early June
  • Quality is very good
  • Flavor is sweet: sugar levels range from 12.5 to 13.5 Brix
  • Supplies are adequate
  • The crop is dominated by 80- to 100-count sizes
  • The market is stable

Texas Valencia Oranges

  • The Texas Valencia season is winding down
  • Supplies will be on the market for another four weeks
  • Demand has increased due to tighter supplies; prices are inching up
  • Quality is good
  • Juice content is high; sugar levels average 12 Brix
  • The crop is dominated by 72- to 88-count sizes; 113-count and smaller oranges are tightening
  • Remaining combo-grade supplies are adequate; choice-grade stocks are tight

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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