News and Stories

UPDATE: Oranges

October 16, 2017

Markon First Crop and Markon Essentials Oranges are not available. The California Valencia season has ended. The California industry will experience a gap in supply until Navel oranges become available starting in a limited way the week of October 23. Florida, offshore, and Texas oranges are available for supplementing orders, yet stocks are extremely tight.

  • The California Valencia season is over
  • The California Navel season will start in a very limited manner the week of October 23
    • Cool weather is helping fruit gain color for harvesting
    • Elevated markets are encouraging growers to harvest earlier than normal
    • Size will favor 88- and 72-count fruit at the beginning of the season; 113-count and smaller sizes will remain extremely limited
    • Expect sporadic supplies until production ramps up the week of November 6
  • Offshore Navel supplies are scarce, as the season is winding down
  • The Texas early orange and Navel harvests are delayed due to rain and wet conditions
  • Florida juicing oranges are extremely limited; the season is delayed for most suppliers due to Hurricane Irma

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.                                                                    

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