News and Stories

UPDATE: Melons

December 02, 2015


Cantaloupe and honeydew melon prices are on the rise; supplies are beginning to tighten. Offshore melons from Guatemala and Honduras will be the main source through April. Honeydews and watermelons will remain available from Mexico, but stocks are typically less plentiful during December (Mexican cantaloupe harvesting has ended until March).

  • Offshore cantaloupe and honeydew melons from Guatemala are available to load from ports in Florida, Pennsylvania, and Texas; fruit will start arriving in California this week
  • Production from fields in Honduras will begin after January 1, increasing overall availability
  • Large sizes will dominate supplies from these first fields, with very few 15- to 18-count cantaloupes and 8- and 9-count honeydews; size substitutions may be necessary
  • The Mexican cantaloupe season has ended until spring; honeydews will be on the market with intermittent gaps as growers transition to southern areas
  • Mexican watermelon production is at sufficient levels; offshore stocks will be on the market in two to three weeks
  • High melon prices are typical during the winter season; unpredictable weather patterns will increase the likelihood of sporadic supplies
  • Quality is excellent: sugar levels range from 10% to 13% Brix for all varieties

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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