News and Stories


May 12, 2016


Lime supplies will become more plentiful over the next 7 to 10 days; expect prices to ease over the next two weeks. Volume from Veracruz, Mexico (into South Texas) will increase by 10 to 15% per week. Rain is forecast for Veracruz over the next week. Although this weather will accelerate growth and increase the size of limes intended for harvest in June, current production remains ahead of schedule, sustaining the shortage of large fruit.

  • Large sizes (110- to 175-count limes) will remain limited through May
  • Small sizes (200- to 250-count fruit) will steadily increase over the next two weeks
  • Historical averages predict prices will return to normal levels by early June
  • Markon recommends ordering for quicks turns as prices fall

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.


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